Sol Invictus

In A Garden Green

Sol Invictus' s latest release is another masterpiece of Tony Wakeford's genious mind. Usual themes come back for our own pleasure : religion, duality, Europe, power of nature...
It still mostly includes folk touches as well as neo-classical and ambient touches we heard in L'Orchestre Noir releases. Tony's musicians certainly are the best team he ever played with. And this reflects on the quality of this excellent album (as for the Blade, l'Orchestre Noir, ...).
Lyrics are of a high quality, again. There's also a text of Hildegard von Bingen for O Rubor Sanguinis, which live version opening the June-July tour was a pure jewel.
Buy this album, it's a must. As well as all the other Sol records, I must say. It's time you realise that Tony Wakeford is a genious European composer.
(Tursa 021CD, World Serpent Distribution)
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