
The Power of a New Aeon

The Power of a New Aeon is a double compilation regrouping 22 different artists and groups, out of  the post - industrial, néofolk, ritual ambient and dark wave scenes. Released on the excellent Italian label Palace of Worms, the central theme, the tarot, not only represents this ancestral game of card
predicting the future, but also an inexhausted source of symbols bound to mysticism and magic. Every musician gives his musical different version about one card, as the juggler, the hermit, the sun, the moon, the death, the justice, strength… etc. One
recover with pleasure the atmospheric ritual ambiances (4th Sign of the Apocalypse, Ah Cama-Sotz, Loretta's Doll, Dream Into Dust), the dark and mystical and melancholic lands, (Stay Frightened, In Winter Bleeding, Conscientia Peccati, Athanor, Bleeding Like Mine, Vehemence Realized, Arcanta) or the medieval ambiances (the Soil Bleeds Black, Arcana, Chants of the Fallen). Endura, and by extension Ontario Blue, confirm all the good one thinks about them. Pilori sounds a little bit different than usual, proposing a tribal ethno track, yielding the place to Dead Leaves Rising to the register of a black folk. It makes pleasure on the other hand to see on this compilation a group that I particularly appreciate and that doesn't have the attention theyt deserve, Opera Multi Steel, as well as a very promising Spanish, Nothus Filius Mortis.
A very beautiful and varied compilation, with an admirable sleeve.

Highly recommended !

Stéphane Fivaz
August 2000

contact and  informations :
Palace of Worms Records
c/o Guido Borguetti
Via Bronzetti 19
23900 Lecco
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