Lux Interna

Truth and Beauty and all their Severity

This is one of the best thing I've heard for ages in the dark apocalyptic folk style. And just imagine, this is only a demo, with an excellent sound quality though ! I can't wait to hear how great these songs will sound once recorded in a proper studio. Lux Interna is a solo project from an East Coast American artist, whose music is motivated by an unflinching worldview of reality and the drive to rise above it.

" Truth and Beauty and all their Severity" is primarily an acoustic album of a rare beauty. These seven songs are very close to what we can expect from bands of the World Serpent / Middle Pillar "family", but remain very personal, haunted by pure honesty and integrity. It might remind you of the dreamy atmospheres of people like Bryin Dall, Nick Cave, Michael Gira, Telstar Ponies (In the Desolate Open) or Michael Moynihan (Blut Fuer Blut).

Lux Interna creates a form of music which manages to touch the Heart and Soul, as well as the Spirit. Lyrics are here of a capital importance and express dark and tragic feelings about humanity and the world we live in, and also about God(s) and religion, nature, war, with some northern mythology's allusions, and the permanent duality between strength and weakness, virtue and vice, creation and destruction, power and submission, all these themes that are not so far from Tony Wakeford's preoccupations.

The opening track "Here in this world" starts briefly like a Sol Invictus song and then turns into what could be a Bryin Dall / Nick Cave interpretation. The music glides over the words like the dusk falls on dead trees. All the other tracks are in the same vein excepting the last one, which consists of an excellent dark ambient piece with atmospheric swirly electronics; I'm waiting for more…

This album is pure perfection, dreamy and beautiful, we see tragedy and beauty as one; this is captivating listening of the highest quality. Lux Interna is without any doubt one of the best unsigned band in the apocalyptic folk genre, but be sure to hear that name again very soon.

This phenomenal masterpiece obviously comes highly recommended !

Stéphane Fivaz
March 2000

Contacts and informations :

Joshua Ian Levi and Kathryn Cielewich
Lux Interna
364 Woodward Ave.
Buffalo, NY 14214
e-mail :