C-Schulz & Hajsch

C-Schulz & Hajsch

Here is one of the greatest album with sound researches I've heard for ages. Carsten Schulz and Hans-Juergen Schunk, the two people behind this experimental project, were among the precursors of the reputation of Cologne as pathfinders of the musical research. That album gave them three years work to achieve and includes a multitude of effects with concrete sound basis. And the experience proves to be very interesting, as they included to their works a huge quantity of acoustic instruments as the harmonium, the accordion, the piano, the clarinet, the percussions, the guitar, the saxophone, the tuba or the organ. The result is surprising. Without knowing the used sound sources, we could think that we listen to a very inspired ambient group. And it is quite reducing to talk about ambient music for that recording, so much the work on the sounds is extremely tidy, being in some way closer to the sound researches of the electro-acoustical music.
A superb album that is worth some musical curiosity, soliciting an attentive and religious listening.
Quiet and soothing, a marvellous recording !!!

Stéphane Fivaz
September 2000

label : Sonig (13)
web : http://www.a-musik.com/sonig

Distributors :
Autriche : Zomba (zombarecords@hotmail.com)
Benelux : Lowlands (lowlands@innet.be
France : Chronowax (artefac@club-internet.fr)
Allemagne : A-Musik (godijk@a-musik.com)
                      Groove Attack (ufuk@grooveattack.com)
Grèce : Zomba (zombarecords@hotmail.com)
Italie : Wide (info@widerecords.com)
Pologne : Sound Improvement (www.isound.com)
Portugal : Ananana (info@ananana.pt)
Suisse : Namskeio (namskeio@namskeio.com)
U.K. : Baked Goods (www.baked-goods.com)