Senssurround Orchestra

Mort Aux Vaches : Meltdown of Control

Imagine an orchestra playing industrial music, and having extreme noise deliriums. Senssurround Orchestra is an orchestra though, composed of about twenty members, and conducted by Zbigniew Karkowski and the Dutchman Edwin van der Heide. The participants come from Japan, Germany and England. There are Tetsuo Furudate, Masami Akita and Reiko A of Merzbow, Akifumi Nakajima of Aube, Peter Rehberg, Russell Haswell, Mayuko Hino (CCCC), Dror Feiler and many others. The album consists in a digest of the three performances given in Tokyo, Berlin and London (during the Meltdown Festival 98 orchestrated by John Peel) for the mythical set Mort Aux Vaches of Staalplat. The result is surprising and of an unequaled violence. A resonant jumble, an orgy of noises, an eruption of decibels, sometimes filled with various and rough noises, but always coming back with strength into these titanic explosions close to a nuclear explosion.Breathtaking, but quite unbearable on the whole length of the album.

Stéphane Fivaz
August 2000

Label : Staalplaat
web :

Distributors :

Worldwide : Target (
Germany : Triton (F:+49-211-934 75 90)
                      Hausmusik (
Holland  : Staalplaat (
                    De Konkurrent (
Belgium : Lowlands (
U.K. : These (F:+44 171 5825 278)
France : Fnac Import (
Spain : Rotor (
Portugal : Ananana (
Italy : Demos (
Russia : Cold Lands (F:+70 95 33 61 813)
USA : Soleilmoon (
Japon : Satoshi Morita (