Spolia Voluptatis

Ephemeral Age of Nihil

Italy overflows with very interesting musical projects, and this album doesn't deny this statement. Spolia Voluptatis is a one man project, Nicola Di Sario, presenting proudly his first album . And he can be proud of it. His music is very well orchestrated, with lots of influences from symphonic, neoclassical music while making the beautiful part to electronics and to various samplings. One find learnedly constructed melodies, in the best In the Nursery tradition (Maleficentiagite, Torturato Giardino del Piacere ) to succeed to the forceful and martial drums of an apocalyptic era from the end of a century (Haunted Throats, Black Rose one the Fields of the Deserter). there are all the elements we appreciate in the instrumental compositions of Death In June as well as the war ambiances found recently in Dawn and Dusk Entwined (Novembris Sidus 999). The bruised ambiances follow the surrealist decors taken from a nocturnal projection, confounding these superb instrumentals with the decidedly melancholic soundtracks of movies full of  raw reality.
A very beautiful album that lets foretell a glorious future.

Recommended !

Stéphane Fivaz
July 2000

Contact and informations :
Spolia Voluptatis
c/o Nicola Di Sario, via C.A. Pizzardi 48
40138 Bologna
e-mail : namnthar@hotmail.com

Labels :
Diabolical Shapes Records
c/o Franco Tivano, via Revello 6/a
12037 Saluzzo
e-mail : dshapes@hotmail.com

Closed Room Productions
c/o Federico Tozzi
CP 25
12030 Manta
e-mail : Closedr@usa.net