Uterus Lobster


Uterus Lobster is the second band signed on the Golden Autumn Music record company, a small structure from North Caroline, USA. "Vickibear" is a one-track promo single that should give us an idea about Uterus Lobster's special sounds. And obviously they can't just be considered as an ambient band, as the different soundscapes used in that track could be well considered as proper individual tracks as well. It starts with lots of noises and sounds, taken from old 78 rpm vinyls, train stations, birds, people's laughs,water …etc mixed with electronics cuts and loops. In the middle of this 20 minutes track starts a powerful rythm, close to the atmospheres we find on some Muslimgauze records and it ends in a quiet and mystical ambient piece full of religious vocals. An excellent track that shows all different faces from this very promising project.

Stéphane Fivaz
June 2000

Contact :

Golden Autumn Music
P.O. Box 10354
Charlotte, NC 28212
e-mail : gautumn@msn.com