GALE GRAND CENTRAL - Garlands - CD - 9 tracks - Fluttering Dragon

Gale Grand Central is the solo project of Sweden's Per Svensen, supported by his compatriot Frederik Bergström of No Festival Of Light. "Garlands" is his first album, and it must be noted that, as such, the effort is more than convincing. The magnificent work thus delivered blends an array of electronic, ambient, and industrial influences as its author successfully manages the difficult task of creating an alchemy allowing for the spirits inherent to each genre to appear in perfect symbiosis with one another. A relatively calm music from which, however, a furtive and incandescent aggressiveness evolves, albeit with discretion and restraint. Stress is laid on the ambiences, on the particularly innovative and captivating atmosphere of the work. Despite the industrial references, the melodies draw a superb furrow through an impressive sonic magma, cradled by moments of subsidence, as they are typical of the electronica genre. A truly beautiful album from the beginning right to the end, that one may wish to share the destiny of its famous homonym from the early 1980s.

Highly recommended !

Stéphane F.
September 2002
Translation : Volker

Information :
Fluttering Dragon
PO Box 182
03-700 Warszawa

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