GENOCIDE ORGAN - In-Konflikt - CD - 11 tracks - Tesco - 2004

Released some months ago on Tesco, I assume that most of the industrial music followers and Genocide Organ' fans have already put their hands on the new album of this cult industrial act.
'In-Konflikt' is, actually, their first studio album after 'The Truth Will Make You Free' so one can imagine the expectations suscited by such a long wait.

Eleven tracks feature on this new material, ranging from industrial and power electronic parts to more ambient and oppressive passages... 'In-Konflikt' is everything except a succession of walls of noise mixed with harsh vocals that most industrial acts only seem to be able to offer nowadays. This is a quite disturbing record built upon an agressive and efficient blend of speech samples, metal percussions, repetitive and brutal vocals, noiseloops...

It is difficult to distinguish a track amongst them all; nevertheless 'disobey ends' (its mixture of deformed vocals, French samples and noise distortion with repetitive industrial hammerings in the background) and 'we care for you' (its oppressive and disturbing atmosphere caused by the blend of samples, painful cries set to a harsh and frenetic rhythm) are two outstanding pieces here.
Dealing with the themes of the uselessness of everything or the usefulness of nothing, illusion of being/acting/thinking 'In-Konflikt' questions the listener and doesn't pretend to give an answer.
Besides, each listening can be considered as an experience that allows you to capture a new sound/cry/pain...

Regarding the artwork, the cd comes in a nice black digipack with white debossed lettering and the GO logo embossed on the cover photo. It contains a 16-page booklet featuring texts and images in perfect interaction with the music and the atmosphere created.

Highly recommended! 'In Konflikt' is a piece that should have its place in every industrial music collection worthy of its name.

Nathalie F.
Summer 2005

Genocide Organ (at Generalstab):